My First Robot(Line Follow Robot)

this line follow Robot is  navigate via camera signals.

easy to create this robot.

no program skills need to create this robot

Parts you will need to create

1. 3xSharp IR GP2D12

2. Tv or FM remote

3. Acoms AS-16 Servos, Vibrate motors

4. Picaxe 28X-1 project board

5. one 9V battery for MCU and sonar

  picaxe basic 28 project board i will buy using




Navigate around Via Camera

  • Actuators / output devices: Acoms AS-16 Servos, Vibrate motors
  • Control method: remote control
  • CPU: Picaxe 28X-1 project board
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: one 9V battery for MCU and sonar
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: 3xSharp IR GP2D12
  • Target environment: indoor, outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I think LMR is great too, but…

Your posts…   …Not so much…

Alright my friend, we tried to sorta let you know that your previous post (Posting as “MMH”) was a bit lacking. This new post (as “The Rock” is even worse.

C’mon guy, one blurry cell-phone picture and one line (poorly written) that has nothing to do with your robot? You’re going to have to do better than this to be on the main time line, sir.

Please clean up this post.

  • Clear pictures
  • A description of the robot
  • A description of what it does
  • Some thoughts on how you built it
  • Video would be good as well
  • Effort (need some)



i sorry.