My first robot : a quadruped with 3 DOF by leg



thanks :slight_smile: MetalmonkeeLad

thanks :slight_smile: MetalmonkeeLad


nice work, and an funny comment on your president by you

Hi adhicrThanks for that

Hi adhicr

Thanks for that comment !

And yes the small Nicolas is a little nervous …LOL

Have fun


New video

Hi everybody !

I post a new video of my quadruped robot :slight_smile:

Sorry for the bad quality, it was taken with a cheap web-cam …

The walk is not very good but the advantage of this video is to show the average consuming of the 12 Hitec Servomotors !

I’m working on a better walk !

Have fun with your projects !


**a personal reflexion **

In fact , watching this video for the second time, I’m asking myself if the walk is not worst than the first version :slight_smile: LOL

Give me your opinion !

I think that a small sleep could be good for me LOL !

I’ll work hard and post new video soon !!


Hi jgc146I would say thanks

Hi jgc146

I would say thanks for posting my robot on the chill out zone ! It’s an honor :slight_smile:

Have fun


This is absolutely stunning

This is absolutely stunning craftsmanship and the movement seems perfect. If I ever build a walker it would be around this type of setup.

Thanks a lot Geir Andersen

Hi Geir :slight_smile:

I really appreciate your comment !! thank you very much (it was the first time someone say that my work is stunning craftsmanship (I live in the country where people prefers their cows LOL) …and i must look in a dictionary for that compliment LOL :slight_smile: !

But like all artist I think that this walk could be improve a lot :wink: (indeed after some steps, there is a trouble with one leg and my poor robot fall like a cyber drunk LOL)!

I’m working on a different walk just now (and I’m really proud of this one)… I’ll post it soon (I’ m drinking  coffee since 3 hours so I think that this night will be productive :slight_smile:

When the walk will be “perfect” I think that I could post the code ! I’m using a SSC32 servo-control card witch need just some positions like #0 P1500 S300 (#0–>n° servo /  P1500–> position  / S300–> speed) but my goal is to send those position with a Arduino and a UART connection …so everybody could use my position and repeat the walk !

Have fun with your projects :slight_smile: ! And thanks again for that comment ! It motivated me to drink an other coffee and improve my robot walk !!


**Update : a video of a new kind of walk **

Hi everybody !

I post a new video of my quadruped , and as you could see, it’s a new kind of walk.

I changed the position of the body and legs because after some tests with 5 accumulators NiMH (for the weight), the consuming of the servos was to high… (poor standards servos) and also because after 300 different attempts to improve the first kind of walk, i was curious to look at an other direction …

Let me know what kind of walk you prefer :slight_smile: (if you have to time :wink:

Have fun with your robots !



Hello again MoX

Thanks for posting all this stuff ! When I see your robot, I can’t wait to work on a walker :wink: (but many things to finish first…).

To answer your question about the new walk, I must admit that I prefer the first one. It makes the robot less mechanical, more alive, agressive or suspecious, I don’t know how to define it exatly… maybe the new walk just looks more predictible (because it is simpler… grrr god damned accumulators ! :wink:

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Hi LordGG

Rhaaa it’s exactly what I’m thinking !!

When I program the second way to walk, my poor robot cry a lot and beseech me to not make him so mechanical (He was very bored to walk that way … like a poor military boy LOL)

My goal is to make it more alive , more suspecious, more …the way you think ! (good point of view :wink:

So I’m alway working on a walk that could respect my goal !

Have fun with your robot …and the rest !


**“spider-style” walk evolution **

Hi everybody :slight_smile:

This is an evolution of the “spider-style” walk of my quadruped.

I’m pretty proud of this one : servos consumes more but with the weight of the NiMH accumulator,it’s acceptable and I think i could have 1 hour of autonomy …(theoretically). It’s also more stable that the first “spider-style” walk (the first video).

There is always a little trouble with the last step (but I’m on it)… :slight_smile:


PS : A special sign for LordGG : more alive, aggressive or suspicious … give me your opinion dude :wink:

Have fun everybody


Hell yeah !

Great compromise :slight_smile: It keeps a wild behaviour, and if you’ve succeeded in reducing the energy consumption to an accetpable level it is perfect !

Je reste dans les parages pour voir la suite :wink:

Thanks dude ! :)Huve funMoX

Thanks dude ! :slight_smile:

Huve fun


Very good description of the

Very good description of the progress. Merci!


HI, FRIEND i am an

HI, FRIEND i am an engineering student and is intrested in making that bot for my final year project can u pls help me with dimensions of every part. it would be helpfull.



that is just beautiful… and a healthy reminder of why i decided to learn robotics (and am awake at 3:00am on a monday morning)

Nice job

Nice job all this hand work! Mes félicitations! T’a bien travaillé lá! Il se bouge pas trop vite mais ca ira! Bonne chance pour la suite!

Keep it on!

Great Handiwork

Hi Mox,

Very nice work, especially as you build everything from scratch.

If you want to lose the robot tether, look at Xbees. They are simple to setup and you can get a 56kbit connection.