Hi there,
This is my first attempt of a quad. I just managed to get all connected last night, well… most of them, still waiting for some parts. Is based on LM’s 3DOF leg design and I am using a 3" aluminium channel (ASB-503) and 4 offset servo brackets (ASB-11) to build the main body.
Already ordered an ARC-32 for control (now using just a mini controller from Pololu) and planning to use Xan’s code (thank you Xan for sharing your work with all of us ^_^) and change it for a quad. Planning some changes on the leg design, something inspired from Zenta’s famous T-Hex but with 3DOF to keep it more compact.
I’m also considering using a WiFly module for communication (wi-fi, up to 11Mbps, etc) as I do plan to add a serial camera (from 4D Systems) on it and also I’m interested in a two-way communication and eventually environment mapping. Did anyone here tried something else than PS2 and xBee?
I got a very rough gait (RB-RF-LB-LF) with some COG shifting on it to get it walk last night, but is far from something stable. Some pictures for reference: