My first project - rotary position indication and control

I hope that some of you experts can help point me in the right direction. I’ve never built any robot before, so this is a new venture for 2025. My first “robotics” project requires me to rotate a vertical axle (probably using a 12volt geared DC motor - at around 5-10 RPM) in either direction, operated remotely from up to 25 metres (wirelessly would be nice, but wired is fine for now), I envisage a simple rotary dial on the controller that I can set to the direction I require, which then moves the axle and indicates (LED?) when it is in place. Can anybody suggest a simple way to achieve this? Many thanks in anticipation

You can do this project with a 12V geared DC motor with 5-10 RPM. You have to use an L298N or similar, which allows for controlling motor direction and speed. As the main processor, you can use an Arduino with an RF module (e.g., nRF24L01) or an ESP32 for Wi-Fi/Bluetooth control. For the remote control interface, choose a joystick or potentiometer-based remote with an RF or Bluetooth module.