My first navigation bot

I have made my first robot with my dad not long ago. My dad wrote the program as I'm not EXACTLY sure how to use the ADC, which I need to interpret the analog output of the sensor. However, I think I am very close to writing my own programs.

Anyway, here it is; my first navigation bot:

Ok, I admit its chassis is quickly pieced together using a construction kit thing similar to Lego, called K'nex.

General construction:

  • Reflective infrared distance sensor with analog output
  • Two K'nex tracks driven by K'nex motors
  • AVR ATtiny26

Unfortunately his sensor only seems to detect obstacles at 6-10cm. I'm thinking of making a similar bot with a "proper" chassis.

Sensor held with clamp Motor unit and wiring (rear of bot)

K'nex motor (view from bottom) Robot "peripheral board"



YAY! The robot is complete!


DOH! I thought I had blown my ADC because I was attempting to write my own program, and the sensor suddenly stopped working. However, after some careful observation and multimeter tests I found I had forgotten to reinforce the ribbon cable going from the sensor to the board with hot glue, so I had some short-circuits or something. Well, at least that's easier to fix than a microcontroller's ADC.


Ok, I've now got the robot up and running again, although I would like to improve the range of the sensor somehow.

Next Project (Muhahahaha!!!!!!!!!):


Navigate using a reflective infrared sensor

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 K'nex motors
  • Control method: Microcontroller
  • CPU: AVR ATtiny26
  • Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Power source: 1x 9V for microcontroller and 4 x AA for motors
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Reflective infared distance sensor
  • Target environment: Anywhere with easy to medium terrain

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


I’m totally impressed how inventive folk are when making chasis, and this is no exception.


I want to see them tracks
I want to see them tracks move! Video?


i’ll try get some vids as soon as possible :slight_smile:

looks good so far…
I would really like to see some video also. :slight_smile:

Very creative. I often

Very creative. I often revert to K’nex for inspiration.

The world’s best motto: When all else fails, use a bigger hammer.

Vid and microcontroller

woops! I blew the microcontroller. I’ll get some more but for now just hang on…

AHA, I thought the ADC had blown because it didnt react to the sensor. However, now I know that it was a problem with the peripheral board. Problem solved.

video on LMR is always very much apreciated
However, does not work. See this howto for more info.

and a video with alot of interference is up and running!

cool video I like the tracks
Those tracks work quite nicely even on a wooden floor. What was that interference you were getting? Was something running in the background or something? :stuck_out_tongue: Nicely done!

Woohoo for knex

I was thinking of using Knex for a chassis, as I have about 25,000 of them (Really. I have at least 8 roller coaster sets.), but I put it off due to not thinking of motors for them. I just so hapen to have at least eight. Thanks for the cheap chassis inspiration. Hope I can get my board working with it.

I’d have to say, Great use of cheap materials.