My first autonomous Arduino robot!

I decided over winter break that I wanted to make a robot, and that is exactly what I did! I had a great time making my own custom design, and I learned a lot. 

It's made using two 12v DC wheels, an L293DNE H-Bridge, an Hc-Sr04 ultrasonic sensor, a breadboard, wires and legos. The main picture is of the wiring of the robot, and I have also attached a youtube video I made of it (or so I think, this is my first post here).

Please tell me what you guys think. What should I do next? I already got a USB shield and attached a PS3 controller to it, but I want to try something a little more challenging. What suggestions do you guys have? 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Better ultrasonic sensing

My suggestion would be to add the feature for your robot to look to the left, and the right, and find the best route based on the distance on each side.