My First Arduino Robot

A complete rehaul of this project is underway, please be patient.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Fight the Good Fight !

Hello shawnbusker,

I too am hosting a open source robotics project (myrobotlab) - Although a little different it’s a Java Service Based Framework which can interface with Arduinos and hopefully soon other micro-controllers (PicAxe, Propeller)

If you feel the need to bounce some ideas around or want some feedback let me know !

Good Luck !



GroG, Your project is


Your project is really off of what I’m aiming towards. I like the project though, it looks really great.

Maybe I didn’t word it right, but my project is a developement platform for robotics, so for example, you would upload my code onto an arduino and off the start everything would be supported, kinda like an operating system for arduino.



I thought they were maybe a “little” similiar.

My objective is similar at least. "Load in the pde, start the app on the computer, your ready to rock and roll."

Your intent is to do Processing -> Arduino,  mrl is MyRobotLab->Arduino
Support already includes general pin functions, direct connect or virtualwire, motors, servos, generalized sensors, etc. 

Maybe I’m missing something? 

mrl is more of a premade

mrl is more of a premade program that loads an app to run programs, as where mine will be built right on the arduino reducing the time reloading the code on the arduino.  The processing portion is only for semi-wireless, it may be used for a gui, I’m not quite sure yet.

We should combine our projects together, and create an all-in-one arduino robotics os! :open_mouth: Just load a single pde program onto the arduino and bam! Insta-robot without coding, but highly user friendly and customizeable. 

It’s up to you, but I’m going to work on it alone for now until I can get some help and what not. 

-Shawn :slight_smile:

New update!

I just recently got an android phone and I found out about the Sparkfun IOIO, which I will be replacing my arduino with or adding onto the arduino, and I will be using a bluetooth adapter to finally controll my robot wirelessly.  I’ll be updating my project with better pictures as I get the new hardware.