My first arduino robot

The first arduino robot I made.

It's simple, he runs around and detects obstacles and walls, changing the side that he runs.

I spent around 60 hours to build this, including the alluminium head that I had to cut and modify.

It uses 4  1,5v batteries and walks with a Tamiya dual motor gearbox controlled by a L293D H-bridge and uses a turnigy 9g servo to turn his head.


After so many obstacles, I finally completed it. Hope everybody likes! :)


Right side :D

Back side :)


Navigates around via ultrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: tamiya dual motor gearbox
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Arduino duemilanove - ATmega328
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: 6v and 9v battery
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: ultrasonic
  • Target environment: indoor runner

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cute!I like the way it


I like the way it looks! Do you make these aluminum boxes? neat!

10 points for looks :smiley: Not

10 points for looks :smiley: Not sure if I think it is running away or towards something with the arms, but cool it is :smiley:

I bought two alluminium

I bought two alluminium boxes like the body one, but I had to cut one to do the head :slight_smile:

Thanks :D! I though in

Thanks :D! I though in something with the arms, but I had no more space to do anything inside him.

It is Happy Bot!!!

Really cute & nice looking bot you made!



How was your experience programing Arduino from Visual Studio?

It’s so cool! Especially the

It’s so cool! Especially the smiling face! Are those black tape strips there to keep it balanced?

Excellent work, great video

Excellent work, great video and pictures. Can you tell me more about the ultrasonic ensor. In the video you named it ‘tato ultrasonic sensor’. Didn’t find anything about it with Google.

Tato is the name of the

Tato is the name of the sensor that I bought from a brazillian site. I liked it because it’s tiny and fits perfectly on the robot’s head. Here’s the link:

I didn’t find any frontal

I didn’t find any frontal wheel so I had to use these pieces of plastics to keep it balanced :slight_smile:

What a wonderful little chap.

Didn’t you do well :slight_smile: I think he looks great, and the video is superb.

Well done.

Great work!

It’s nice to see Brazilian guys around here!

great work

well done nice robot too

what camera did you use seems different from the usual ones

I used a Sony h20. Just used

I used a Sony h20. Just used a high exposition with timer to not get shaked, took the photo in HD (1280x768) and saved it in 720x468 for uploading :slight_smile:

Excellent work

Excellent work

amazing robot

amazing robot. cool made. looks pretty good.

motorizing the arms could be possible if you put 2 microservos between the batterypack and the batteries, and connect them to the arms using a piece of metal wire.


ps: this robot somehow reminds me to blind lemon…

Updated my avatar with a

Updated my avatar with a picture of the robot


Hello, first congratulations !!! very nice look !

Please can you share your code with me ? ( please no zip ) at ;  [email protected]





Lucas my friend, I love this

Lucas my friend, I love this robot !!! =DD congratulations


Great looking bot!

It’s nice to see a robot with such a nice finished look to it.  It’s a very clean design.  Well done.