My 2WD robot

Thought I’d share some pics of my 2WD rover, R6. Right now it roams around staying out of trouble trying to find someone. If it does, it will sit idle. Video is sent to a receiver on my PC. So, I can keep an eye on the kids while online!
I labeled some of the stuff so you can tell what they are.

You can see other pictures here

Looks good. 8)

very nice - keep up the good work

pssst - maybe the kids should be keeping an eye on you instead since you actually created this bot under the presumption it may get in trouble

Write a random trouble-making routine, then program it to make it look like the kids did it. Then see how long it takes them to catch on. :wink:

That there looks like a fine rover :slight_smile: It moves around the house by itself? Or does it require remote control via the PC?

What laziness can invent :stuck_out_tongue:

No PC/remote control - the rover runs a behavior-based control program…take a look at Joe Jones’ Robot Programming book or Mobile Robots still a great book ten years later… the code is based on his approach and it works great. (OK, table legs are still the kiss of death…)

I made a video of it roaming around, I’ll try and put it up this weekend…

I see. Sort of a “lewis and clark” program? (Objective of ‘lewis and clark’ is to keep on moving and avoid objects. Uses basic IR sensors to detect objects and turn appropriately.)

You ever though of putting a couple of RPGs on it and setting it outside to guard your house? :laughing:

I had the idea of attaching an automatic machine gun turret with a grenade launcher and a suped up turbo charged thrust…booster thingy :wink:

but lets not start thread hijacking :laughing:

I posted a video of my 'bot (from my bot?) showing a neat emergent behavior. Turns out the skylights on a sunny day are more interesting to the robot then me. R6 is programmed to look up when the PIR is triggered which results in a funny habit of starring at the sun! You check out the video here.


I like the part when it falls down the stairs. you shouldnt have edited it out, be nice to see it from the robots point of view :smiley:

The video is sent to the pc, but are you using any video processing? or is it just for monitoring what the rover sees?

Very nice work! In the beginning of the video, I kept saying to my self that it’s being controlled by an operator via radio control. When I saw you sitting there with no radio in your hand I was impressed!

:laughing: I grabbed it just as it went over, so no cool video of robot parts flying everywhere. I wouldn’t have edited that! The PC that captures the video is downstairs and all the hardwood floors are upstairs so I can get up those stairs pretty quickly too!

No processing, just capture. Actually, I’m waiting for Seattle Robotics to send me the OV7620 camera so I can use the CMUcam2 for the video stream and do some processing on board.