Music to K7 reader converter



it plays music from a phone or mp(3 4 5) to a K7(tape) reader via jack for a party for example in a low cost so it is like a jukebox you choose the song via phone and taraaaa




I came up with the idea in my birthday party I wanted to play music from my phone (as you can see) and enjoy a peacefull birthday so I thort of my laptop but it had to go wrong :  couldn't find my USB cable.luckly my mom had a memory card (my heroine) so It went all good.the next day I went to the garage to pick some electronic composants and i found this tape reader so BINGO . Why can't I play music from my phone in that tape reader so I came up with this.



How does it works :

The jack transfers the music from the phone to an emmitter (bobine) ,from there when you insert the tape the little reader makes contact with the emmiter and "reads" the music like a normal tape . there is a sensitive spot on the reader.More the emmiter is closer more the sound is clearer.



make one yourself :

you need:

  1. a tape (emptied)
  2. a jack
  3. a piece of metal (little one)
  4. a variable resistance( to controle the sound's volume)
  5. some wires
  • make a coil by liking wires and "wrap" the metal piece with them
  • solder one jack's wire to one wire of the coil
  • solder the other jack's wire to the variable resistance 
  • solder (again) the other wire from  the variable resistance to the last wire from the coil 
  • stuff your composants inthe emptied tape

and there you go. here are some photoes to help you :










                                                                                                                                            made by amkarb


This s my first post in here and OK I will try to complete it thank you 

I can do better

I working in making it wireless  with a jack of course wait for it

Looks cool, very
Looks cool, very understandable! Thanks for posting!

And thank you for coming by

And thank you for coming by :wink: