First off, I'm using a Pixaxe board.
Considering the juice that can be used by periphrials, I wanted to use it's ability to use multiple power supplies,
one for the board, and one for the "output devices". However, a small question, just to be sure:
A SHARP sensor is NOT consiered an "output device" on the board, right? I think it's not, but making sure...
Anyhow, I wanted to run the motors up to their maximum 5v-6v capacity.
I was thinking of using 2 power sources, including a small solar pannel, on a parallel circuit to the battery,
then finally to the power pins on the board.
Now, my question is here, since I know little about solar panels:
Should I have something like a transister between the solar panel and the batteries in the parallel circuit,
so that the voltage from the batteries don't wash back into the solar panel?
I want the power from the solar panel to travel through the battery,
then the battery and/or the solar panel to connect to the power pin,
BUT I do not want the power from the battery to go to the solar panel:
When it's dark, voltage would NORMALLY go there,
considering that it's not generating, but still on the circuit.
What would you recommend to only allow OUTGOING voltage to pass; OR
only allow the voltage to/from the solar panel IF it's generating power?