MSB-Mini Sumo Robot

I started with something else and ended up with this. The body is the case of a mint. The motors are from cell phone vibrators. There's a steel washer in front to add weight lest it should do wheelie very often. It could have been much smaller in size, you see, there's no real need of the mint case. The commands are sent from a computer via the serial communication. Enjoy!

Moves and fights sumo

  • Actuators / output devices: vibrator motors
  • Control method: wires, computer
  • Power source: Arduino
  • Programming language: Arduino language
  • Sensors / input devices: none
  • Target environment: indoor smooth surface

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Basically not a robot but

Basically not a robot but still cool. Why not hook the Arduino on the mint box and let it run autonomously?