Mr. General Kit (In-Progress)

I have been working on the Mr. General Kit. The IR Eye seems to be tracking well, still working out kinks here and there, and hopefully I can post a new video of the finished robot.

To-Do List So Far

   1. When the object tracks an object down to the area of the front collision sensors, it reduces the sensitivity of the sensors, since the incoming flood of IR from the eye is considered Ambient IR by the collision sensors. I probably just need to add some heatshrink to the collision sensor phototransistors.

   2. When a tracked object just barely leaves the range of the IR detection, the robot seems to "forget" about it and just seems to meander about. I was planning on trying to implement some way to enable prediction of the objects next location from it's current position and current speed. I don't know if this is asking too much of the IR system.

   3. When the eye servos reach their limit, they seem to stop, then move away, even if the object is still in that corner. This only happens when I'm testing without the wheel servos, because when it's moving, the robot compensates by moving into a better position.



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