Mowbot 1

This is phase one of construction with RC control. Phase two is autonomous control, coming up real soon, with Jetson TX1 and ZED stereo camera.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wow, this is very nice!

Wow, this is very nice! Can’t wait to see the autonomous version :slight_smile:


That’s an interesting project!

Can you please share how have you done it? How are you planning to make it autonomous? Thanks!

Other details

The motor controller is the versatile Sabertooth 2x25. It works easily with RC control, only needing two channels. The mower power is separate, just hung on the four brackets, allowing height adjustment to still be used. You can see the engine throttle cable strung along the frame; I didn’t even bother shortening it! Motors and drive wheels come from a “Jazzy” wheelchair or people mover. (from eBay.) Since our yard is flat, I removed the brake portion from motors. Batteries are 12V, in series. Frame is 1.25" steel box tubing, welded. It is quite heavy!

Joystick motor control

Today got code working to control robot’s motors through the Jetson TX1 using a joystick. Motor control is the Sabertooth 2x25. Right now it’s working on a small “office J-bot rover” but computer will be transferred to my larger yard bot. Now connection is through the cable. Does someone have expertise with setting up the wireless joystick? The TX1 has good wireless connectivity. I am planning to drive the robot through it’s route, running deep learning vision software with the ZED stereo camera, and have the robot learn the route and then do it autonomously after being trained. I see “Jetsonhacks” has the Caffe deep learning system on Github. Do we have an in-house expert on that? Thanks! Russ


Perfect Security LLC Nebraska, USA


Looks good, but any plans to make a shell? It looks like you’re almost at the point of being able to commercialize an “upgrade kit”.