I would like to learn how to calculate max weight a motor could hold from given motor datasheet, so to purchase the right motor.
I would like to learn how to calculate max weight a motor could hold from given motor datasheet, so to purchase the right motor.
this threads been sitting here for a bit but if your still interested… what exactly do you mean by “hold”? I’m betting you could sit 100+ pounds on one of these motors without damaging them, but they can’t spin that much obviously. I’m betting that for your application almost any of the gear motors here will tow what you want it to. Look at the motors in the lynxmotion rover kits. Those rovers claim to be able to pull about 5lbs but that is pretty conservative. Mine has towed my 5lb lap top across the room when I forgot to unplug it and didn’t slow down any. The motors come with a max torque rating. That and a tire radius (ozin / in) gives you a linear force. for example a 125ozin motor with a 4 inch tire (2 inch radius) will pull about 4 pounds. 4 motors, well that’s a lot of force, especially considering rolling resistance is really low. that essentially means it could vertically climb a wall if it weighed 16 pounds… speed is probably more important to you. This help any?
thanks a lot for thereply but I do not think this will help