I want to build a tracked vehicle with two 48V brushless DC motors. And I am looking for a motor driver which can be controlled via PC or Industrial PC such as Beckhoff. I looked at DEC70/10, but it is little bit expensive. Then, I searched Sabertooth dual 50A motor driver, but i didn’t get wheather it can be conroled by PC or not. So, i need an advise about which driver to buy.
Maxon offers some incredibly high quality products… at the appropriate price. Consider RoboteQ as they offer many high voltage (and high current) DC motor controllers: https://www.robotshop.com/en/roboteq.html
For other suggestions, we’d need to know the continuous and max current for the motor(s). Higher current motor controllers can be found here: https://www.robotshop.com/en/high-power-motor-controllers.html
Thanks for answer. Also, i would like to ask about receivers. I want to control my vehicle via some kind of controller. However, reveiver’s output should be in a range of ±10 VDC so that i can connect it to Beckhoff and then program motors accordingly. Therefore, i would like to know is there such a receiver and transmittor combination, or should i use a converter to gain that output. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,