Motor Controller Voltage Conversion

I am working on a project that will use 2 24V motors at 30Amps, possible 45 Amps. I haven’t finalized the motor yet. My issue is my voltage source is automotive and is 12V. Are there motor servos automatically step up the voltage from 12 to 24V?

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Hi @Vanlon and welcome to our forum.

Do you have detailed datasheet of these motors?

Usually, 24Vdc motor can work on 12Vdc but it is less efficient and not recommended for a longer period of time.

The motor will work at 12V but I would like to work at 24V. I’m asking if there is a solution to convert 12V to 24V inside the driver.

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Yes, there are Buck Boost Converters that can convert the voltage. See some of these here:[prefix]=last&options[unavailable_products]=last&q=boost

But I don’t think RobotShop has these for such a high amperage.