MorpHex, a sphere formed morphing hexapod

Thanks guys! :smiley:

Alan, I’m not sure whats causing this. But I’ve noticed that some ISP’s sort of block my blog at a certain time of the day.

Now I see them!

Fantastic linkage work!

Alan KM6VV

Glad you are able to see them again Alan.

Thanks for your comment! :smiley:


The upper sphere sections are now mounted onto the hinge/linkage system.

So today I took some more pictures with a darker background for better contrast, do I need to say more… :wink:

I believe having an upper section that can take different shapes might be a cool feature in walking mode.

That looks great!!!

:open_mouth: Wow! I like that.

Thanks Kurt and Jim!

Glad you liked it. :smiley:

oh it is beautiful. great work. :wink:

Simply wonderfull…!

The parts fit realy close and nicely…
Can’t wait to see them move.

Amazing to see it come together!

Alan KM6VV

FANTASTIC! It looks so great. How do you plan on actuating them?

Thanks guys! :smiley:

I’ll reveal that when I’ve come that far in the process. :wink: But its gonna be a very simple solution using six servos to control them individually.

Please tell me you’re putting RGB LED’s underneath that awesome dome?


Yes, that’s my plan to do. :smiley:

I’m going to use 36 serial controlled StarLite RGB LED’s. But I’ll add them at the end of the project.


LED lights, why not project images onto the dome!

Alan KM6VV

Awesome!! Have you ever considered using BlinkMs? I’ve used some in the past on an arduino project and they work great, easy to control over I2C.


The BlinkM’s sure looks interesting. The StarLite’s are very similar to them, just a little smaller.

FANTASTIC!!! Zenta, I just got to see your upper dome pictures from 18 Sep. I really like the way the upper sections “blossom” upwards from the pole instead of hinging out and down from the equator as a mirror of the bottom dome. This added variety displays much more ingenuity and is more interesting to watch. :smiley: :smiley:

Perhaps a high speed brushless motor between the hemispheres will enable it to screw itself into the air like Da Vinci’s or DiaLFonZo’s helicopters. :laughing: But that would require a pitch changing DOF for each of the segments.:frowning: So maybe some high torque, rapid reversing servos will let it just flap its way airborne like an ornithropter. :laughing:

I will leave the details to you. Your design skills and engineering imagination are amazingly impressive. You are also the master showman. Like the serial movie thrillers of the past, I can’t wait for the next installment. :smiley:

ZOMG!! That would be awesome. Pico projectors can be bought for around $100 now.


Let’s see if Zenta can fit it all in!

I wonder about the power consumption…

Alan KM6VV