Hi guys,
this is my next robot of the series "simple robots", it should be easy :) .
After having my robot "Big M" built, I showed him my friend. He said: This is not difficult to build a robot with three motors. He would use only two motors.
This was challenge:)
I decided: I build a robot with only one motor. But how???????????????
Helped me my "Big M stepper".
First I'll show you only the lateral movement
And here are a few photos:
He is built from wood and plywood.

Here you can see one magnet, he pulling the stick.

and here is a rad which the robot moves to the side

Version 2 (2010.0.29)
I built second version, but it was not perfect, he did not just work:(

One motor stepper
- Actuators / output devices: one servo
- CPU: Picaxe 28x1
- Power source: 5V
- Programming language: Picaxe basic
- Sensors / input devices: SFR05
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/monoservo-robot-second-problem
Cool concept. Can you
Cool concept. Can you describe your problem in more detail. It is a bit difficult to provide suggestions since we don’t know what you are trying to do.
What is the robot suppposed to be doing? Moving just forward? What is the ratchet gear in the back supposed to do? It looks like it is designed to move in only one direction, but it seems to be spinning both ways. If a one way ratchet action is what you want, you might need the little leaf spring between the nails to be more stiff. It looks like it is flexing enough to allow the ratchet to move counter-clockwise.
does that wheel with the
does that wheel with the spikes have some sort of preload spring, or one-way bearing?
First problem
the driving style is very simple.
1) robot lifts his arm forward,
2) it falls over and pulls the rest. (the wheel does not move)
3) if he sees a wall, he makes such a motion as in the film and turns around
4) he turns, he turns, he turns, he turns, he turns ,…
5) and back to point 1
So it should work, but he turns the wheel without moving 
In my opinion, the one-way
In my opinion, the one-way wheel slips on the table. Try to attach to it, a bigger, normal wheel to make contact with the table.
Second Version
I built second version with a bigger wheel, but it was not perfect, he did not just work