
Hello everybody! i'm new here and i would like to share this project of mine. It's a Minisumo-BEAM STYLE. I've always wanted a minisumo and when a member(noiseO) posted his creation, i knew it's time to start building.

The robot is based on the schematic of SOLARBOTICS SUMOVORE, but what i really used is the biomorphic map of the schematic which is easier for me to understand. And now it's finished. My minisumo.

Push other robots out of the ring

  • Actuators / output devices: diy geared motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: 74act240 octal buffer/line driver with tri-state output
  • Power source: 7.2 V 3300 mAh racing pack
  • Sensors / input devices: diy 38khz object detector and diy reflective sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Looks promising :slight_smile: A BEAM
Looks promising :slight_smile: A BEAM sumobot, I just got my first symet kit from solarbotics,… but this is much more cool! I thought BEAMs are only "plants" in robotics, but this is something more looking like primitive predator! :slight_smile: Do you have a video of it yet?

** Actually, BEAM**

Actually, BEAM creations are described as "robotic planktons", just twithching, surviving in its environment. But your description is apt, as it is primitive. And yes, i do have a video, but youtube takes forever to upload a 10 sec clip. Thanks for the comment isotope. :wink: