Minion Stuart

Are  you a fan of the Despicable Me movies? Eagerly awaiting the release of the Minions prequel movie this summer? Time to build your own Minion. You know you want to!

There are three versions of these great Minion toys, Stuart, Dave and Tim. I fell in love with the Stuart version as soon as I saw it. When you move the head left-right or back-front, the eye moves and the silicon rubber skin morphs into different expressions accompanied by cool sound effects. Each Minion has its own custom sounds related to the specific character from the movie. These toys are a joy to play with and an open invitation to hack... and so I did.

I initially thought I could just add servos to the existing gimbal mechanism that controls the front-back and left-right movement. Unfortunately there was no room. I had to replace the main mechanism with two standard servos. The eye mechanics were not too hard to integrate to two mini servos. 

I was pretty happy with the eye and eyeylid servo control, as well as the front-back and left-right body control. However, I wanted to go beyond that, so I added two more mini servos to control the arms, which were posable, but not tied into the original mechanism at all. As a result, Stuart looks a bit wider than normal, but still acceptably Minion-like.

An Arduino Nano controls the motion via six servos. I'm especially proud of the eye and eyelid motion, which I feel adds a lot of character. Another digital output is tied to the original sound board via a Vishay SFH615A optoisolator. The board fires a random sound effect. I'd like to eventually replace it with a sound board that will let me play specific clips of Stuart's voice, but this will do for now. 

The video show the initial results. More to come!

I'll attach the code once I've cleaned it up a bit.

Moves! Talks in Minionese! Makes you laugh!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I love them, especially

I love them, especially Stuart with his one eye. You did a good job by hacking him, the eye and the eyelid indeed are the best of it.

Looks awesome!

What a great hack. You did a very impressive job on it. I love those little guys! 

That is awesome! The

That is awesome!  The minions definitely steal the show in those movies.  I love what you did.


Love it! I want one!

This made me think about a trend discussed by Rolf Pfeifer in conference I attended here in Argentina, that was related to having soft robots. The difference in the expression of a robot given “just” by the rubber skin is huge.

Very Cool!

You need to add legs to him so he can walk like a BoB. This was a very interesting hack that you did. Great Job.

He has little legs (they are

He has little legs (they are not attached in the video), but they don’t move in a way that would make locomotion possible. I’ll have to think about a way to make him dance!

I based the eye movement on

I based the eye movement on some things I learned from a friend, Angelica Lim. She’s a Ph.D. focused on making robots more humanistic. 

Here’s a post of her’s I edited for Make. Really useful and practical stuff for improving the look of your robot.

You are so right! The rubber

You are so right! The rubber is a bit stretched on my Stuart, because I had to squeez in the arm servos. When I saw how these things moved in the store, I was blown away by how natural the expressions changed, just by virtue of the skin being stretched by the underlying mechanism.

Yep, interesting article,

Yep, interesting article, very interesting.

Hi,I want to know how the servo control minion to work?

Can you Open your picture of this hacking?I’m interesting with this,And I want to hack one,Can you help me?