Minimum requirements for a BS2 Stamp PCB - anyone have a template?

Hi All,

I'm looking to do a rather compact piece of work with my trusty BS 2 stamp - working this into controlling a hexapod.

Initially I have the parallax servo driver but it leaves a very little space for the BS2 - To date I've always used my BOE, but I'm after a very minimal implementation.

I'm looking for a schematic, or better still a PCB template that I can etch my own board.

- I'd like to be able to programme the Stamp in situ,
- I need to have all 16 pins available as pin outs but not necessarily

my plan is to mount my BS 2 esentially on a small PCB with 24 Pins - I could then manufacture a programming socket to Sout, Sin ATN and VSS connection just to plug onto pins 1 to 4 for programming purposes. Pin 4 would also connect to earth of my on board battery.


To Vin : I'd connect a clean 6V - I have 9V on board so would use a voltage regulator - is that the correct voltage ?

To Vss I'd conntect to the onboard earth,
to Res - connect to earth via a contact switch
to Vdd - connect to earth via 1000 uF capacitor

(not even sure if I need these last 3 )

This would seem to replicate all I need from my BOE to drive my servo controller and a few other bits I'm planning on by connecting to the pins.

Frankly I'm a bit scared to experiment here 'cos I don' twant to fry my stamps !

Have I got the right idea here ??? - as always I could really do with a helping hand.

Sounds really simple ! - so

Sounds really simple ! - so I can go as high as 12V on Pin 24 VIN ?? - my on board supply should be 9V - is there a max current ??