Well, you asked for it!
This guy has been competing for several years now.
Well, that certainly is a minimalist approach! the tripods are ganged together, and would require a minimum number of servos.
I could use something like that for my nephew. Is all or part of it available?
PIC processor, I hope!
Alan KM6VV
If you need something minimalist, fairly inexpensive, and relatively quick, then check out the below bot. With three servos, a servo controller, a computer with a serial port, and a trip to Lowes/Home Depot, one could be in business. I think some construction short cuts might could be made using a cheap hot glue gun.
But this entire robot fits inside a 10 cm (4 inch) square)!
It’s an interesting project, but I’m not much on wood. thanks for the link, 'tho. Maybe it could be built with PCB stock?
yeah, Pete’s 'bot is quite compact! I’m more interested in it. I need something for my nephew.
Alan KM6VV
It has been my experience that the younger set will become board very quickly with construction projects that take any length of time without seeing any action. If just you are doing all the building then the length of construction time won’t be an issue. I didn’t know the plastic bot was only 4"x4", but I think it could be duplicated in wood also. Generally the material being used really only needs to be strong enough such that it can’t be failed by the servos being used to moving it. It would take a pretty strong servo to break a popsicle stick.
For the most part, this robot is made out of aluminum. Here is the robot without the batteries and circuit board (point to point wiring, actually)
Very tough.
It has even been to Japan and was demonstrated at the All Japan Robot Sumo Tournament, and was shown in the Japanese Robocon magazine.
Oh, I probably won’t have my nephew build it, I’d have to make all the parts ahead of time. Perhaps have him bolt a few things together, nothing more.
Popsicle sticks? That’s really DIY! Maybe PCB stock. I really don’t like wood.
Aluminum! My favorite material for milling! Brass is nice also, but too heavy for a 'bot.
Is this a 'bot you’ve designed and built yourself? Some additional views of the servo linkages would be interesting.
How is it that you enter it in sumo contests? Can it run other 'bots out of the ring? I’m not very familiar with sumo 'bots.
Is it commercially available? I’d be interested.
Alan KM6VV
Right now, this is not a kit. I made the parts myself.
As to the question, why make one.
Why not… Think outside the box… Have fun and entertain people. This hexapod gets more cheers from the crowds than any other robot.
How many servos?
Do you have any video of it walking?