The system consists of:
- A mechanical platform
- Actuators
- Power electronics
- Power source
- Sensors
- Microcontroller
Mechanical parts made of aluminum L and U profiles and sheets, all fastened with screws.
Actuators are 2 gearmotors driving 2 separate wheels with bevel gears. In order to control these actuators, we install 2 H-bridge drivers.
And the LiPo power source around 12V to get maximum performance.
In order to be able to detect the opponent, we install 4 IR proximity sensors with range 40cm.
In order to be inside the Dohyo, we install atleast 2 line detecting sensors at the bottom of the front corners.
Arduino is a perfect solution for this project.
There’s so many macros and libraries which simplifies our programming and drives directly to project realisation.
With the help of it we can process all the data from sensors easily and control the system.
Nano V3.0 is a compact solution for this project.
Maneuvers inside of the Dohyo ring surface, Searches for opponent, Pushes opponent out of the ring.
- Actuators / output devices: 2x 12V 1000RPM gearmotors
- Control method: autonomous, IR start/stop
- CPU: Arduino Nano v3.0 Atmel ATmega328 16MHz
- Power source: Turnigy 800mAh 11.1V 20-30C LiPo 3S1P Pack
- Programming language: Arduino C/C++
- Sensors / input devices: 4x Sharp IR GP2Y0D340K, 2x Vishay Telefunken TCRT1000, 1x Vishay Telefunken IR Receiver TSOP31236, 2x Microswitches, 2x Freescale Semiconductor MC33887 Current Feedback and Fail Status.
- Target environment: indoor, dohyo plastic surface
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