Mini Rover

Hi, I have purchased a Mini Rover Chassis Kit ( … s-kit.html) along with an arduino uno board and a L298 dual bridge. The problem is that i can’t fit the L298 Bridge on the deck and some sensors that I want to use!is there an extension that i can use or something else that might work? Thank you for your replies

extension servo wires? Add a proto board to the Arduino.

Alan KM6VV

i am using an xbee shield so i can’t add a proto board on top of it!

Photos of everything you want to mount would certainly help. Note that we strongly suggest a motor controller which is in shield format.
The Rover is intended to be very compact and has enough space above the deck for the Arduino and additional shields (as well as space between the deck and the Arduino for a 3.7V LiPo battery).
The mounting at the front (two slots and a hole) are universal, just in case you have something you want to connect which screws in place.