This is my smallest robot 20x20cm and 9cm hight.
You can control it via WIFI like the other robots but this also has 8 HC-SR04 distance sensors.
The distance will show on the screen (larger red semicircles means the object is closer).
- Steelsquid Kiss OS
- Raspberry Pi
- Seelsquid PIIO Board
- Raspberry Pi Camera
Mini Servo to tilt camera
Connected to the servo controller on the PIIO board -
4 DC-motors
Connected to the small motor driver on the PIIO board -
8 HC-SR04 distance sensors
The ECHO pin is connected to the GPIO_5V on the PIIO Board. - 9.6V battery pack
Check the video where I drive around the house to find exciting things like cats and dust bunnies :-)
I thought also to use a 4 Channel Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor to detect if a edge is close to the car but that did not work so well. Depending on how reflective the surface was it gave false signals...
- CPU: Raspberry Pi
- Programming language: Python
- Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
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