The robot will move forward and backward using k'nex motor. The robot will shoot water bottle caps. the motor covered with black case will push the water bottle caps into the shooter motor which is on the top and the shooter motor will shoot the caps. the shooter controlled by rc remote. and the k'nex motor has a switch on it which will turn on the motor forward or backward.There are 2 DC motors one for shooter and the other one for pushing the caps into the shooter motor. I used k'nex set for the drivetrain. To power the microship you need 12v battery. There is a green light, when the shooter motor go on the green light will also go on. My next plan is to put a robotics arm on it which will automatically pick up the watter bottle caps.*Please Comment* Thank you. :)
The Robot will go forward and backward and the robot will shoot water bottle caps.
- Actuators / output devices: k'nex motor and DC motor
- Control method: rc remote
- CPU: Microchip
- Power source: 12v
- Programming language: Basic
- Target environment: Indoors - hard floor
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