Hello, It is a little of art Hello, It is a little of art an a little of robotics, the proximity sensor works very well, detects white objects 40 cm far (aprox. 16 inches) or less distance, detects in light and darkness, it isn´t straight, the diode works in a frecuency, and the receptor filter the pulses of this frecuency, amplifies it and drives a transistor connected to an input of the PIC. I recently finish the last version, the pic and video are old, the design was changed a little to be more resistant and easy to build.
the modulated ir receiver is the modulated ir receiver is a standard 38k all in one receiver or did u develop a your own band pass filter + rectifier in order to detect the carrier?
It´s a circuit I design, I used an LM386 audio amplifier with the receiver in the place of the mic and a transistor in the output, but change the input resistance with one that works better (doing test to find the better value), I don´t know in wich frecuency the circuit works, the pic drives the IR emitter and the frecuency depends on the loop in the program. I did´t measure or calculated it.
It looks like it might be a It looks like it might be a kit or something, what with the case and "USB!" sticker on it. Maybe it just comes as parts? That mimoks website seems to be constantly down.
I designed these robots, the original idea was build a group of dummies made of electronic parts and sell it like a kind of art/industrial design product, but then I had the idea of use the parts to do something and power them through the legs, something like 2 leds on the head, a time later I added sensors, microcontroller and motor. the ones I post aren´t the last version, I did some changes in the design to make them more resistant and easy to build, little changes, but now they are very good looking, I sold some of them via internet, I am going to sell them in shops soon, I think of sell the sparte parts too.
It´s very difficult, it isn´t only a circuit, have a program too, please search robim robot in youtube there´s a very simplied version of these robots, but it´s easy to make, and very cheap. If you want more information or get a robot, please send a mail to [email protected], you can found other info at the blog: mimoks.blogspot.com