Mike's New Biped

Its very smooth and a good start, now ya need to work on that first step. :smiley:

Nice work. Hope you have fun building it.:stuck_out_tongue:

I have to agree with Jim, who ever pick that frequency for the 5990 at Hitec should be fired. It kills my brains and my two dogs go crazy when they hear that sound.

probably some old guy who would ask “what noise?”

I suspect that the choice of frequency has more to do with performance than it does with convenience or how pleasing it is to the ear.

These are, after all, high-performance hobby servos, designed to be used in similarly-high-performance R/C vehicles, most of which will probably have a 2-stroke engine operating within a foot or so, making the whine of the servo motor inconsequential at best.

Now, for the ones that are designed specifically for robotics use, I can see how they might want to address the whine issue. On the other hand, I can also see how they might not want to tone it down too much if it came to a trade-off between whine and servo performance.

Here is my first walk sequence. It’s quite slow but I’m sure everyones probably was.
I think I need to combine the side to side weight shift with the front to back weight shift to make it much quicker.

nothing wrong with that. looks great for your first sequence. :smiley:

Very well done! I was hopeing to see more but I know it takes a while to post large files.
