MIDI Digits Pianist

This virtual robot plays any MIDI file you throw at it pretty much in real time.

This is a commercial venture on a shoestring budget. Even if it makes no money though it's been a very educational and enjoyable thing to work on.

You can download the software to a Windows PC and try it for free (http://roboticensemble.com).

I have done all of the programming. The software is pretty much complete, although you may find a few bugs.

The program has a Qt interface and depends on other high quality libraries widely used for computer games and robotics, including OGRE, Bullet and Orocos KDL.

I am happy to hear criticism or suggestions for improvements.

I might even give hints about how it works.



Play the piano

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/midi-digits-pianist

Perhaps it could be argued

Perhaps it could be argued that “robots” need physical mechanisms combined with AI to be properly called robots, so this is only a percentage of a complete robot as the AI has a much simpler job (such as not having to deal with measuring the environment or correcting for errors or becoming broken due to self-collisions) and the physical parts doesn’t even “exist”.

Nevertheless, the algorithmic techniques involved (IK, motion planning search algorithms, continuous collision detection, …) are used by roboticists working with actual physical robots. You can’t say that of many items of fruit.

Send me a few million dollars and I’ll try to complete this project in the sense of adding all of the other things needed to satisfy the definition I started with.

Steam Greenlight

I’m currently trying to get this software noticed by getting it listed on steam. If you have a steam account and like it please vote for it on the greenlight page:
