MicroROS-Pi5 ROS2 Robot Car

This MicroROS-Pi5 ROS2 car is developed based on Raspberry Pi 5. It consists of a Micro ROS robot expansion board with ESP32 co-processor, 4PCS 310 encoder motor, high-quality tires, 7.4V 2000mAh rechargeable battery, MS200 lidar, 2MP camera, 2DOF gimbal and an aluminum alloy frame. It adopt ROS2-HUMBLE development environment and Python3 programming, and uses OpenCV image processing and MediaPipe machine learning algorithms to achieve multiple functions such as robot motion control, AI visual interaction, SLAM mapping navigation, RViz simulation and multi-machine synchronization control.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/microros-pi5-ros2-robot-car