Micropilot MP-Vision UAV | RobotShop Community

The Micropilot MP-Vision Glider is an unmanned air vehicle.

It can be preprogrammed with specific flight plans in advance.

This drone can be optionally equipped with a camera to take snapshots of crops or forest areas, for example.

The MP-Vision has a radio control but can also fly autonomous

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/micropilot-mp-vision-uav

Nice one…I too wish to make a glider (but smaller than this). So what wing span should I prefer? Also which material should I use to make flight effective and expenses low. Let me know about the best wing shape and design ratios(dimensions).

@divya sharma It’s easiest to base yourself off an electric model glider kit with at least a 2m wing span.

The problem is that the wing span limit is 1.5m…actually making it for a competition…so I cant use 2m wingspan…and also which material should I use depron or balsa or any other foam?
pls do help…

@divya sharma There are many, many different RC sail plane models on the market. Consider these two:

Thanks for your help…It was very useful…

Would anyone like to purchase a Micro pilot MP Vision for a low price? Comes with travel cases and laptop with software installed.