Micro-servo Robot-arm

another small project i made..

thought i might aswell post it here too

he got 6 DOF.

enjoy the videos! :D

pick up, and move stuff

  • Actuators / output devices: 6 micro servos
  • Control method: Pre-programmed
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Picaxe basic
  • Power source: 4xAA batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: none
  • Target environment: flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/micro-servo-robot-arm

I saw your videos and i just had to make robot hand from my micro servos too… But yea, it looks good. With some sensors it will be even more awsome!


OW!! That is the greatest thing on earth! Now, all we need is a stack of dirty dishes, dishwasher, more of the same arms, and we got a great dish washing team!!LOL!

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car –Laurence J. Peter


Where did you get the

Where did you get the plastic? How did you cut it? Di you have plans for it? It is the knarliest thing I’ve ever seen!! Extreme awsome!

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car –Laurence J. Peter

i got the acryllic plastic

i got the acryllic plastic from a hardware-store and i cutted it on a band-saw

i will make a "how-to" video of it, if i get enugh requests…

thanks :slight_smile:

yes i would love to see how
yes i would love to see how you cut it

What mirco servos are those?

What mirco servos are those? Are they those SG90’s?


Edit: Nevermind, I saw them in the pictures of your other robot.

how does it know that there

how does it know that there is a object to lift ?..

he doesnt…

its pure program. and i just tell it the coordinates of the object and how to move/lift/crush/turn/swing/grab and release it. :slight_smile:



can u upload a video of how

can u upload a video of how to cut the acryllic plastic ?..

Awesome!I’d love to make one


I’d love to make one of these and yes, can we have a video of the cutting?


Could you tell in detail how to create just the gripper.

well im making a video at

well im making a video at the moment on how to make that! :slight_smile:

will that count as “details on how to make it” too?


how much does it lift

not much, 2 AA bateries and

not much, 2 AA bateries and i wont lift more. i used some very cheap servos :wink:

ok thanks

ok thanks