MICBot is an autonomous robot for obstacles detection and deviance and goes around, it works indoor or outdoor.
Therefore, this solution uses the ultrasonic sensor as a measure of distance and enables it to control the direction.
The movement of the car is made independently and randomly, so the car can move in the same location with multiple paths all different.
The detection of objects is also achieved through the pairs of switches (front of the car) and buttons (back of the car), and in this way, obstacles sizes smaller than, or very thin, our vehicle are detected. The ultrasonic sensor can send a pulse of short duration (10μS) through pin sender, the receiver is waiting for the echo reading, a pulse width proportional to the distance where the object is. Therefore, the distance is obtained and calculated by the microcontroller.
The servomotors used are continuous rotation servos Hitec HSR-1425CR. HSR-1425CR are recommend for projects for mobile robots, this includes an adjustable potentiometer to center the servo and can be controlled directly by the microcontroller by sending impulses through different if you want to run or stop the engine.
FOr more informations, visit my site: http://sites.google.com/site/mickaelarea/
Autonomous Robot Obstacle Deviance via ultrasound
- Actuators / output devices: 3 servos
- Control method: autonomous, ultrasound
- CPU: Pic18f2431
- Power source: 4, 4.8V 700Mah Nicd
- Programming language: C, C ( C18 ), Microchip C18
- Sensors / input devices: microswitch touch sensors, SFR05, SFR05 Ultra Sound
- Target environment: indoor or outdoor (dependant on weather)
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/micbot-autonomous-robot-obstacle-deviance