Measuring volumetric water content remotely

I am looking to measure volumetric water content of soil, I am thinking I can do this with the Lora moisture sensor v3? I will need to also get the Maduino Lora Radio to store the data? How many moisture sensors can send data to one radio? Will the moisture data be able to send as long as the radio is within 2km?

@emmajj Welcome to the RobotShop Commnuity. A soil moisture sensor would give you an idea of the total water content in a volume of soil, but can’t really think of other ways to get a more accurate reading. Several sensors would help, and if the moisture changes with depth, that’s another issue to overcome.

If you choose a LORA approach, you do need a “base station” which the remote sensors can connect to and transfer data to a computer (or other).

Be sure to choose a frequency which is allowed in your country, and choose the matching base station (same frequency) from the same manufacturer.

Normally the user guide for the base station will tell you the maximum number which can be connected at any one time, though it tends to be quite high since it only involves small packets of data (nothing close to the data transfer needed for a video stream for example).

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Thank you! I am just looking for moisture in the top layer of the soil. I am trying to get locally accurate measurements while I am collecting data in the field. I have looked at the SenseCap S2104, is this moisture measurement different from the Lora moisture sensor V3? Will the S2104 connect to the Maduino lora radio from far away?
I am doing an entomology Masters thesis and know very little about how all of this works.

The Maduino is from a different supplier, so a lot needs to be researched before knowing if the protocol etc. are compatible. We’d really suggest a gateway from Seeedstudio to ensure compatibility. If you’re ready to read through the mauals for both the sensor, and the Maduino, and likely a gateway from Seeedstudio to compare and confirm, you will be able to check if the Maduino is or can be made compatible.

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