Maze Solving Robot V3

Just the pins labeled 1-6.

Just the pins labeled 1-6. Those will be your outputs. You need to of course supply power also. 

Which pin is for power? and

Which pin is for power? and do I need ground? 


Vcc = 5v +GND = GNDOf course


Vcc = 5v +
Of course you need ground. These are questions you really need to know the answer to already.


Thanks, I got it all working (: 




You need 2 pins per motor

You need 2 pins per motor Patrick? Thought 1 pin and GRN would worked.

For forward and reverse? You

For forward and reverse? You need 2. 

You’re right,silly

You’re right,silly question,sorry. I didn’t figure it uses reverse. :slight_smile:

Yeah in order to turn in

Yeah  in order to turn in place.

you rock!!

hi sir!!

am very much interested to make this and i found your website very helpful!!

You have attached the code also but the saddest part is windows can’t able to open .pde files:’(

My humble request is why can’t you post the code in your website in a viewable format so tat we can read ,copy and paste :slight_smile:

you rock man keep doing the great job :slight_smile: please post the code i need it badly :slight_smile:




Hello Patrick, any alternative for the pololu motors? Like a DIY motor( gears position) scheme. Great Robot!

I don’t see why you couldn’t

I don’t see why you couldn’t use a DIY geared setup. Really anything should work, but it all comes down to tweaking the delays and speed.

Question on the behaviour (as seen on the video)


At the video you can see the left-turn algorithm working nicely… but on the second try it directly reaches the goal.

Did it change the algorithm for a right-turn approach? or did it “learn” the maze?

Sorry if this was explained elsewhere but I could not find it.

Thanks and congratulations for this great robot.

It learns and solves the

It learns and solves the maze to drive straight to the end the second time. I wrote a little tutorial on it. 

L293D breakout board

nice job patrick! i wanted to ask you about the L293D breakout board. how did you connected it to control the motors and what does this board exactly do? is it necessary? because i have seen some examples using the L293D and they are using some more complex connectivity with capacitors etc…