So I have coded Walter, when in RC mode, to do a sonar sweep and put the results on my LCD screen. At each servo position, the distance sensed is displayed as sort of a bar graph. There are 16 servo steps on the sonar sweep corresponding to 16 charicter spaces on the display. This is exactly the same system as Frits' "See what robot sees" just with a lcd screen instead of on the pc screen. This system now allows me to drive around and point Walter at different situations, a doorway, a chair, straight into a wall etc. and see exactly what the sonar is seeing.
On to step 2:
I am thinking of a new approch to navigation... "May I go" instead of a system of constant driving with a "if you hit something, turn away from it". In "May I go", the drive part of the code has to wait for permission in order to make a move. I.e. the sonar makes a sweep, it is determined the path is clear for a given distance and the drive system is allowed to move that much. In addition, if different situatuions come up (the sonar sees a doorway or hall, etc.) the drive system is allowed/ told to/ give a choice to go that way.
Step 3 and the question:
I now have 16 chunks of data that my human eye and brain can see on a screen. I also have these 16 chunks of data (forming an electronic picture) say, stored on an EEPROM or scratchpad memory. ...And the $64,000 question is coding and algorithms for the robot to now go through this data and determine paths, openings etc. This is a bit madening, I can see the dip in the bargraph, which is obviously a doorway, but how do I tell the robot that the 5 sonar steps in the middle of the sweep (the ones with really far distance readings) is a door? Really this just comes down to a bunch of comparisons but really, 16 variables? --Gotta be a better way.
This should be a very open question/answer and I expect some non-specific answers, just some ideas on directions to go. --consider this a thought excercise.
I will post a video of the system I am using as soon as Kari gets home with the digital...