Which hubs go with the RB-Ban-141 and RB-Ban-135 Banebots wheels? I’ve got Banebots wheels that don’t match the hubs (RB-Ban-153) I have because the hubs aren’t wide enough, and I have hubs that don’t match any Banebots wheels I have.
It would be VERY helpful if you could list the hub(s) that work with a given wheel and the wheel(s) that work with a given hub for the Banebots hubs and wheels. I just want to get stuff to match what I already have.
RB-Ban-141 and 135 are both 4-7/8" diameter wheels, 0.8" wide (a.k.a. series 80), with a 3/4" hex mount. You therefore need a hub with a 3/4" hex exterior, that is 0.8" wide (a.k.a. series 80).
However, there are several of these models, so what is the motor’s shaft diameter?
We are currently working on displaying products differently on our website (which would make matching products like this significantly easier), though we do not have this feature yet. We apologize for the delay.