Marx Generator (HIGH VOLTAGE !)

So here is a little toy I recently made. I was inspired by Plasmana on I followed/modified his instructions to make a Marx Generator power by a Cockroft-Walton voltage multiplier. This baby should be putting out around 40-50kV. I don't have the equipment needed to verify that but I know its putting out at least 30kV (based on the length of the air gap between terminals. The list of supplies bellow is based on what I used to make it. It is not the best way to make it but these are parts I had/was able to source easily.

** The time I get excited in the video about a spark there isn't one, it was a corona discharge that made a "pop" sound. You do get to see a discharge at the begging and right before I turn it off though.


34 1N4007 diodes
34 100nF film 275V capacitors
10 1nF 4kV capacitors
100mA fast blow fuse
18 1M 1W resistors
20 470k 1W resistors
25 1.1K 1W resistors
Lexan Plastic


This setup works by using a Cockroft-Walton Voltage multiplier that outputs an about 6000V DC to the Marx generator. The Marx Generator then charges up in parallel and discharges in a series. This discharging cascade results in very high voltages of about 40-50kV (in theory) and probably about 30kV in practice.(Images bellow from Wikipedia) 


CW Voltage Multiplier


Marx Generator

Pictures of Build/Sparks;


CW Generator Finished


Building the Marx Generator




Capacitors Discharging in Series via Spark Gaps


Whole System 

/* All my work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License or any subsequent version of that license. Details here "". You don't need to give me any credit but any derivative works must remain free and open source to the community. All code, media, diagrams and details are provided on an "as is" basis with no expressed or implied warranties for suitability to any purpose - don't blame me if something breaks. */


Mini-artificial lightening!

Mini-artificial lightening! Nice work Gonzik

If only. Lightning has a

If only. Lightning has a voltages in the millions of volts or so…several orders of magnitude greater than my little generator =(

Hence the word mini (I’ve

Hence the word mini (I’ve previously researched lightening so I hear ya on a big difference).  At least it will jump an inch though

Yeah, thanks for the

Yeah, thanks for the compliment anyhow though =)