Making powerful servos

Does anyone know how to take standard r/c servo electronics and couple them with a 12V gearmotor to make a monster servo? Is there a way to mount the potentiometer onto the output shaft of the gearmotor and make that work?

Below is some previous discussion on the subject:

You can actually buy the gearpans/gears from places like servo city/ robot shop if you can’t make them yourself. I’m doing just that (waiting on my order still before posting pics for those here for the help they gave me :slight_smile:), controlling them with the SSC-32.

(I’ll be getting about 14Nm from my modified servos)


Is that the same as buying the power servo gearbox from ServoCity? You are just making your own?

Sorry for the late reply, I got pretty sick in the last week and haven’t been doing anything besides recovering.

I’m getting this:


It was more costly than I hoped but knowing that the gears will mesh near perfectly and the entire device will be robust made it worth while. I’ll need to do the adjustments on the servo itself and attach the external pot to make the final product when the parts arrive.