Make the DFRobotShop Rover controllable from a computer

What part(s) do I need to control RB-Rbo-33 from a laptop?

Both the kits RB-Rbo-40: DFRobotShop Rover XBee Kit and RB-Rbo-41: DFRobotShop Rover Bluetooth Kit are controllable from a PC and are based on RB-Rbo-33:

2x XBee modules
2x XBee headers (soldering required)
1x USB to XBee adapter (to connect to the computer)
1x (optional) LiPo battery
1x (optional) USB cable if you don’t have one already

1x Bluetooth module
2x XBee headers
1x (optional) USB Bluetooth module for the computer
1x (optional) LiPo battery

1x DFRobot Bluetooth module
(This is the cheapest option to make it controllable via Bluetooth and does not require soldering)

2x XBee headers
1x WiFi module (Xbee footprint) or
or 1x Seeedstudio WiFi Bee
1x (optional)

Alternatively there are wireless shields available (check pin use to ensure they don’t use pins 5 to 8)

]Anaconda WiFi Shield/:m]
]Cupperhead WiFi Shield/:m]
]DFRobot WiFi Shield/:m]
]Juniper WiFi Shield/:m]
]Seeedstudio Bluetooth Shield/:m]

Hope this helps,