Make rover work without usb cable

hi all,

I am still unable to make the robot work without the usb cable plugged.

What do I need to change in order to make it really autonomous??

(Not dependant on the Serial signal).

I don´t require to send commands to the rover. will be using sensors and motors only.

any help is extremely appreciated!!

I use a sharp IR sensor and have written simple sketch that has the rover drive forward until it detects an object. After object detection the IR sensor (mounted on a servo) looks to the left. If it does not find an object it will turn to the left and then continue forward until an object is detected. If it looks left and detects an object it will then look to the right. If no object is found to the right then it will turn right and move forward until an object is detected. Next I need to add the ability of what to do if it finds objects to the left and right. My next addition will be some sort of localization (gps probably) allowing me to send a set of coordinates and have the rover drive itself there while avoiding objects on the way.

You could have it drive forward while reading a low value (bright) on the light sensor, then turn while the sensor value goes high (dark). Then you could drive it with a flashlight :sunglasses:

Exactly what thelandofdave said. You can even start simpler and have the robot move forward for a specific period of time, then move in another direction, and repeat. You would not use the W,A,S,D kes - you would have the robot start moving as soon as the code is uploaded. For example, you can upload the “full speed” code from the manual and have both motor move at full speed. Add a “delay” and the robot will move and stop, move and stop etc.

The V2 rovers do not include the temperature or light sensors, so you’d need to add them separately.