MAH3-R coordinate-axis definition?

I have an MAH3-R hexapod with the BotBorduino/SSC32, and I have a question concerning the definition of the coordinate-axis definition. I believe it is in the file Hex_Cfg.h below the line “//[BODY DIMENSIONS]” (Line 228 in my copy), and it appears to me to define x as towards the left, y as upwards and z as towards the rear. Is this correct?

Thank you.

Hi Ted,

That appears to be correct, but we have asked kurte (the original programmer) to confirm if this is true.


Actually, I am the one who converted to run on Arduino, as well as several other platforms. The Original code that ran on the Atom Pro, was written by the member Xan (Jeroen Janssen) and updated by himself, plus several other including myself, Zenta, … There is a project page by Xan that talks about how many of the different pieces work. It is up at:

Most of code was based on the original Phoenix Robot that was done by the member Zenta (Kåre Halvorsen). The original project is up at: There is an Excel spreadsheet as part of this project, which all of the original code base was based on.

Thanks kurte for the clarifications and information!

Yes, thank you.