Magazine recommendations

Just a thought for you guys that often come up with questions about how various things work in electronics:

I recommend that you subscribe to a magazine such as “Nuts & Volts” or “Everyday Practical Electronics”. The latter is very similar to N&V, but comes from Britain. You can save a bit of money by doing an online subscription and downloading your issues as PDF files.

I subscribe to both N&V and EPE, plus Servo Magazine.

N&V has recently been running a worthwhile series about logic families (i.e. 7400-series TTL, CMOS, etc.) and how to use them.
It seems like every issue has at least one article that involves PIC MPUs, and there is a column called “Getting Started with PICs”.

One down-side of these magazines is that the editing is not like it was in “the old days”. For example, the latest N&V has a project article for building a sine/square/triangle signal generator. The text has about a zillion technical errors in it, plus the design of the circuit is just not very good. I don’t think the auther really knows what he’s doing. I think the old “Popular Electronics” magazine would never have printed such a lousy article.

But overall, something like N&V is a great investment if you want to learn about electronics.


I’ve subscribed to Servo and Robot in the past.
I’m not going to continue with Robot because it’s quarterly and doesn’t really get down to the level that I need to learn about.

I do have a renewal for Servo and a new one for N&V pending (read as: waiting till I get money).
I hadn’t heard of EPE.