Hello ! We are Design students, and are very new at all of this, and we would like to make an object that works with any sort of energy, that should be 'alive'. Our idea is to find a way to make it do mistakes, as humans make mistakes. Does any of you have any suggestions ? Our focus is on simple mistakes or children's mistakes, such as clumsiness, or spilling things, or falling, fearless actions etc. If you have any crazy ideas and tips, it would really really help us ! Thank you so much in advance
PS : If you have ever produced or tried out something that didn't work as planned, let us know, it might be really relevant to our research !
make use of a couple random number generators. Maybe a couple analog inputs that just pick up stray input.
Computers/robots succeed or fail very distinctly because most everything is driven by math. If you were to add a couple of random number generators, one to calculate how much to fail and the other whether or not to fail like a die roll in D&D.
My only other suggestion is to make sure your system works properly before you try to make it fail. Otherwise, you won’t be able to tune the failure rate at all.
If you were to use two analog inupts that were floating, you could add a jumper on the pin that decides whether the system should fail and show the system working properly. Be sure you either pull that pin HIGH or LOW depending on your code.
Actually, that subject also interests me. Troll or not, as long as it’s no unrelated subject I am willing to give my 2 cents.
Once I was thinking to program a simple obstacle avoider with a failure rate. But how to det this up? Well, just create a simple random number and everytime when 5 comes up make the opposite of the normal pürogramming seems too predictable.
Then I cam up with an idea. (so far only in my mind but now written here)
What if you run that random number generator to create numbers from 1 to 3. Lets say 1 is do as you should do, 2 do nothing at all and 3 do something unpredictable according to another sensor reading.
We are talking about #3 now. You would need one or more other sensors, for example a microphone or a light sensor. If #3 comes then read the other sensor. If it’sd very loud or a light flashes do some unpredicted stuff since that’s just logical.
Just think. You are trying to solder something tiny and suddenly somebody behind you turns on the stereo very loud. I, in some cases, would get frightened coz the sudden noise, the same with some bright light flashes.
That’s just an idea but I guess that’s better as to pre-programm errors to be made.
I’d also add a beeper! Beeps make a robot way more expressive.
Programming my meArm clone i found that making it to clap twice his claw after a successfull move make it twice cutier. Like the arm in robotics newton cradle.