
For using this track with timing belt as same way as I did, the robot must be under 30 pounds (As light as possible). It will be very difficult to make turn because of the ribbed lines on timing belt cause too much friction. Otherwise you must run it on very smooth floor or tile.

Update: As IG mentioned, long track make it very diffecult to turn. So I have add 3 supporting wheels on each side to lift body up a bit to reduce the contacts to the floor.

Also, I don't suggest the timing belt that I use in this post after couple tests. Straight strip going vertical make it so hard to turn, especially on carpet or none smooth flat ground. I suggest you might just cut some flat rubber sheet or if you could find the strip going side way(V-belt maybe?).

BTW, this topic is talking about the belt only. Tank still under construction.

Transmission update: Video

First of all, thanks to few guys in LMR inspired me to do this.

So I made the track:

The plate made out from Timing belt, Aluminum flat, Doubleside type and four screws as shown in pic.

Half way to be completed.

Inside the belt, small screw to prevent the slippery.

Some componments I am gonna use:

2 belt of this tooks very long time to do it by hand. 56 Alum plate need to be cut, 56 doubleside type need to be cut and stick, 112 holes need to be drilled and 224 screw on each side.

However I have test it today and it works well so far. This machine is pretty solid even me can stand on it and moving(no motor yet, just by push).

Thanks again for these guys! Hope I can post this piece on ROBOT soon.

bike chain:$10/each


timing belt: $40 for each track belt

Screws & Nuts: $10/each belt

Aluminum flat: $20


After couple months I have modified the whole thing almost all over again for better performance. I trim down the size more than half and shorten the belt 2/5 and use the fiber-carbonate on cover instead aluminum case.

The cover.

Seal the cover for waterproof.

I am using RC remote controller for now and when my arduino controller finished, i will switch back to arduino. This project will be endless since the ideas keep coming up and I want to modify it every day but basically the mobile base is done. So, maybe update after couple weeks and I will mark it as complete for now.



Very cool hardmouse!I really

Very cool hardmouse!

I really like the (lawnmower wheels??) as the drive sprockets… but it looks like the track does not quite interleave with the tire tread, so you’ll be using them as drive wheels and just utilize the friction?

With those large wheels you should get some real speed :slight_smile:

Wait, do the small tread nuts interleave?  That’s wicked cool !  Great job !

Im making a HUGE wheeled

Im making a HUGE wheeled robot now, and i think this will come in handy if i decide to add some tracks to it !

Ha, I am the other way

Ha, I am the other way around. After this I am gonna do big wheel robot. Keep us update to your work :wink:

interleave! hum, I learned a new word!

Reply to Gorg: Yes, that’s the lawnmower wheel. I have been searching around the “HomeDepot” and “Canadian tire”(Canadian local hardware stores) for suitable tire. They are about $11 dollars/each only. Coincidentally, the small gap in between the wheel perfectly matchs the small nuts on belt that makes perfect match for Interleave. Also, the wheel is made by solid rubber so it won’t cause much damage even they are not matched. Even if got damaged after while it’s easy to find and replace anyway.

Now, I am making it four wheel drive too. I don’t know if that make senesce for four wheel drive track but I am gonna give it a try. Always learn by doing.

just FYI, because the wheel is made by plastic in inner rim so I have to modified a bit for driving:

Sorry about chinese character cuz I have to explain to my buddies in Taiwan; which means BEFORE and AFTER modified. Inner side on top and outside at bottom. Again, the doubleside type is in both side in between metal plate and wheel to have stronger support.

Totally convertable

Inspiring. I may have just switched gears on one of my projects… Thanks for sharing!

Great work !

Those tracks look great :slight_smile:

I’m about to make tracks for my next robot, so thank you for inspiration ! (I can’t remember the name of the guy who made the Protos III robot with this kind of system… it’s a pity he deleted everything :frowning: )

Good luck with the robot :slight_smile:


Thanks!Protos III! That’s


Protos III! That’s it! The guy who build that robot. He delete everything? No wonder I couldn’t find his info anymore. Well, I still have to thank him anyways.

Protos III was the name of

Protos III was the name of his bot. His name is Calex


Loved your tracks !!


Yep, he had an argument with someone not quoting him and sadly he left LMR :confused:

Now I’m glad to see you published something similar, it will be useful to the community :slight_smile:

Ah, that’s sad. Well,

Ah, that’s sad. Well, personally I did learn a lot & lots of help from friends here so always want to give something back but I have very limited knowledge in this field with no background(I am web designer). It’s my pleasure to share what I have. No credit needed cuz I learned this from you people too.

Thanks!! I will update his

Thanks!! I will update his name up there. Too bad he is not here.

Hi hardmouse,Great tracks my

Hi hardmouse,

Great tracks my friend and very inspired for all of us. The lawn mower wheels is a good idea too. Thanks for posting and sharing with us. :slight_smile:

I approve of this

Tracks are the sheet, especially homemade ones. Good job man!

@LordGG, Haha, that guy he

@LordGGHaha, that guy he had an argument with was me, (i did qoute him) although he took credit for everything (that tread system can be found by googling “homemade tank treads” and finding an abundant of results). But anyway, still a good tread system, effective and affordable.

@hardmouse What is the inner diameter of the pillow block bearing you have there? im looking for a 10mm inner but cant seem to find it. Good idea. Might use it on my tank. Thanks.



Ha! It was you!! Glad to you

Ha! It was you!! Glad to you you here and thank for inspiring me to do this one. Calex = Mot, is it?

The bore is all 1/2" for rod so as pillow block. I plan to have machine shop to build parts for me, it just too much work for me to create everything by hand :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you still can share your work with us so we all can learn and improved others works.

BTW, let me know if I should

BTW, let me know if I should correct your info up there.


Well. i googled for homemde tank treads and came across this picture.

Nothing to do with robots, but looks pretty cool.



Nope im just Mot, Calex =

Nope im just Mot, Calex = Calex.  its was on my tank that this whole “Tread wars” started. 

I recently machined my treads myself cause they quoted me R1080 ($155) to cut aluminium, mill 2 spots and drill 2 holes. So i thought ill just buy an end mill and use the bench drill and save some money. 




Still have a lot of deburring to do though. Like your setup there hardmouse. Good work

That would be fun to drive

That would be fun to drive down to the supermarket with.