LynxTerm doc?

Is there a doc that describes the features of the program? I’m not sure what some of the widgets do…
I have been successful with the manual command window, and the macros.

In the macros, are there other features that are not obvious? For example, can I cause it to wait until the previous cmd is done before sending the next cmd? By default, it seems to send and execute everything at once.

Also, can I bundle some macros together to form a ‘script’?


I know of no other doc’s than you’ll find on the lynxmotion site, concerning the LynxTerm.

As far as I can tell, there’s no way to execute multiple commands seperately, or put pauses in between them.
I’m told that one could use HyperTerminal to do that, though.
You could also write a program to click the mouse at the location of each macro, but I believe the above option would be simpler.
The simplest option of all, of course, is purchasing the Visual Sequencer.
The Visual Sequencer is capable of far more than just ordering and timing the data that goes to the servo controller.
I strongly recommend purchasing it; it’ll pay for itself simply by the time and frustration that you save yourself.
The LynxTerm was nice in its day, but it’s become obsolete.
For general testing and troubleshooting of the servos and controllers, it’s still great; it’s uncomplicated, so you don’t have to wonder if you did something in the program that’s messing up your electronics.
But, I wouldn’t recommend using it to build a robot’s gait.
(Trust me, I built a static biped gait with it… it took five days… and I didn’t even use a Terminal program, which would have made a smoother gait, but would have taken MUCH longer…)

Hope this helps.

Update: LynxTerm was working fine as far as it goes (as Nick pointed out), but I wanted more control options.

So, I’ve written a Windows C++ app that allows me to ‘script’ commands in a way that makes sense to me. In effect, I’ll be “adding features” to the SSC-32 language syntax, such as wait-for-completion, time delay, and mapping the Position numbers to values that make sense on my quad’s legs. I suppose those are features that Visual Sequencer has (I haven’t looked into it), but my version is just text-based (no GUI, colors, widgets, etc.).

Once I get a walking gait and other sequences worked out, I’ll have a detailed script that I can translate into the PIC code on my bot.



You’re a jack of all trades and master of all of them! You can program in C++ also? Very nice.

i have a question. this is my first servo controller and i want to know if there is any other way i can program the ssc-32 without having to buy the visual sequencer?

my goal is to make an autonomous bot without having to use my PC.

PS: what is “HyperTerminal” and how can i get it? Please help!

Hi Kattdatty911,

Yes there are many ways to control the SSC-32. There are many examples of this up on web site and in the forum. Examples include the CHR-3 hex robots. You can use the powerpod program to download programs to an Atom microcontroller that controlls the SSC-32 and you can add your own autonomous code to. Or there is the Phoenix project that another forum member Xan wrote all custom code to control another Hex robot…

Hyperterminal is a Terminal program that Microsoft shipped with several versions of their operating systems such as Windows 95, 98, XP. I don’t think they ship it anymore with Vista, but I think there may be a way to get it from their website…

Good Luck

Thanks alot kurt. i have one more question. i have the ssc-32 with the atmega 168 chip on the circuit board. is this all i need to program servo motions or do i actually need to purchase an “Atom microcontroller”?

You are welcome.

The servo controller does a great job of controlling servos, but it needs something else what to do. This could be another microcontroller such as the Basic Atom or Basic Atom Pro, which Lynxmotion sell, it might be some form of Basic Stamp, or PC or Mac or just about anything that can send out commands in the form of text strings to the SSC-32.


So there is no way for me to write a sequence of commands on the lynxterm,write it to the ssc-32, and then when i turn it on it will perform the sequence without being connected with the serial cable?

And if i must buy the basic atom, how would i connect it to the ssc-32. From what ive seen, it is a chip with just a bunch of pins.


Hey Kattdatty911-

You would also in a Bot Board 2, for the Basic Atom chip.

Here’s the Bot Board with an Atom installed. :wink:


Do i need the to buy a bot board and a basic atom chip?

That would be correct.


one last question, what is the point in buying a ssc-32 servo controller?

I think what you are asking is what is the advantage of the SSC-32 over a microcontroller. The answer is a dedicated servo controller becomes necessary when the number of servos you are controlling goes above 6 to 8. The servo controller relieves a big timing problem associated with controlling servos. That being the servos need to receive a position pulse every 20mS. This makes it much easier to write the main behavior routine, or sequences on the microcontroller. The SSC-32 also has the ability to synchronize moves by making sure all servos in the move start and stop at the exact same time even if the distance they are moving is different. Some of these things can be accomplished with a microcontroller directly, but the programming required to do this is not easy at this point. Servo controllers make complex projects easier…

thanks alot i really appreciate the help everyone