Lynxmotion Tri track dimensions

Hi everyone,

So i recently bought the tracks with a few sprockets, only to realize later that there was a whole kit available for sale.
Since i won’t throw my actual stuff, can someone with the tri-track chassis kit give me the spacing between the three sprockets axis ?


If you only need the frame / chassis, we may be able to arrange something.
Note that unless you actually want to reproduce the tri-track exactly, you only need to assemble the track and pull the sprockets so they are tight and take the dimensions.
Drill two holes so they are on the horizontal axis, mount the sprockets and idlers, and mount the tracks, then pull the track and final sprocket so it’s tight and drill the final hole.

Fact is i have an autocad model of most of my robot, and since i place stuff “in” the frame of each track, i need a specific size available in it (not sure if that’s clear, english is not my mothertongue), and to ensure it fits, i just need to size properly the triangle.
All i need is actually the sum of the distances between the three axis.

Thanks for the idea, i guess i’ll do that to get the distances.