Lynxmotion SSC-32U compatible with GP sequencer?

Hi all,

I have build a Phoenix based Hexapod using a Botboarduino and SSC-32U.
After a lot of days calibrating I got it running smoothly and love the bot :slight_smile:

I noticed in the software there is an option to use a GP Player to run sequences stored in the EEPROM of the SSC-32.
I have read that the old SSC-32 with an alternative firmware and with an installed EEPROM was able to use the GP sequencer.

The question I can’t seem to answer by using all the documentation is if the SSC-32U has this function and if it is compatible with the lynxmotion-visual-sequencer-seq-01 software.
Is there anybody here that can give me an answer to this question?


First, congratulations on building an Phoenix based Hexapod with the BotBoarduino & SSC-32U. We recommend that you post about it (with pictures / videos) on the project showcase part of the forum available here. We are certain this would be very interesting to the RobotShop community.

Concerning the GP Sequencer, it is currently not available on the SSC-32U. The SSC-32U board does contain an EEPROM like the SSC-32 did, but it is not accessible in the current firmware. This feature will be implemented in the future but there is no date for its release yet.


Thank you very much for answering my question :slight_smile:
I will, for the time being, see if I can get some more sequences in the software although there is not much memory left for the micro-controller.

Of course I will create a showcase post, would be awesome to share ideas with fellow robotic enthusiasts.


Nice job on the video, it looks very good!

If you need more storage space on the BotBoarduino, you could probably use an external EEPROM such as the RB-Dfr-88. It provides an ample storage capacity of 32 KB and is accessible over an I2C interface. You could connect it to your BotBoarduino and pre-program it with your sequences using a custom Arduino code and then access them during your regular code. Of course this is by no means plug & play, but it is a fairly simple add-on if you need extra storage through a simple interface.
