Hi All,
I'm happy to share a cool project we are working on here at Lynxmotion / RobotShop. The MES (Multirotor Erector Set) is aligned with other Lynxmotion product lineup (SES Servo Erector Set / MTS Modular Track System) to bring useful and yes modular platforms one can hack to his needs. It also provide, in a kit, multiple options.
To be more specific, the kit will include everything needed to build several multirotor type of platforms commonly used in the UAV/Drone industry.
Design restrictions:
Frame made of G10 (fiberglass) 2D cut material for strength and low cost production
Lynxmotion aluminum clamps & carbon fiber tubes (16mm)
Keep the price as low as possible
Multipurpose platform that allow for different copter configurations (Y3 / Y4 / QUAD-X / HEX + / X8)
Folding frame for easy transportation
Folding landing for the above reason
Allowed to mount a payload including a camera system
Kit would not require any soldering (involve making some custom parts)
Folding propeller for real compact folding experience
Brushless motor with built-in ESC
Project is quite far in it's design stage but anything can be changed if there are good reasons to do so. Our team is focus on another more important project at the moment so this one is moving slowly however we want to share and get the community feedback before we go farther.
MES - Configurations
MES - QUAD-X Assembled
MES - QUAD-X Folded
Some components readily available were not up to our expectation so we will design and produce some of them. This include the MES Power Distribution Board which is not finished either and a MES Folding Propeller System. (those will require their own project pages)
MES - Folding Adapter Prototype
MES - Power Distribution Board (PDB) Prototype
Attached is a ZIP file including pictures of the assembly of the BETA-2 prototype.
Let's talk..!!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/lynxmotion-mes-multirotor-erector-set-project